CS 1033 Algorithms, Race, and Computing

Fall 2024 Podcast Guidelines

You will create a 15-20 minute podcast where you discuss the controversy over TBD. You should debate the proposition "TBD". 

The format of your podcast should be a debate where you serve as moderator and you have two or more quests who have different views on this proposition. Your guests can be anyone except they may not be members of our class. 

As moderator you will need to prod your guests to elaborate on their ideas and to consider alternative ways of viewing the proposition. You should listen to at least one episode of The Public Philosopher with Michael Sandel to hear ann year at UMD, and anything else you think might be of interest to your audience.  Then you should explain the proposition, and give a very brief summary of possible arguments for an against the proposition. Then have your guests introduce themselves and say a little bit about who they are including their name, their year and major at UMD if they are students or what they do if they are not, anything else that might be of interest, and then their general position on the proposition.

After that your goal is to encourage a lively discussion. You should have a few real or hypothetical scenarios ready to pose to your guests, and you should ask their guests about the experiences with the proposition. In the end your goal is to have an interesting discussion that explores a number of different ways of viewing this proposition. 

Your podcast should conclude with you summarizing the main points of discussion, and determining where common ground has emerged, and where differences remain.

Your podcast must be somewhere from 15 to 20 minutes long. Podcasts under 15 minutes will likely lose a point for not following the guidelines. Keep the discussion moving and make sure your guests do not start to repeat themselves or drift off topic. 

Podcasting Considerations 

Please make sure you record in a quiet space. Dorm rooms and public areas are often too noisy. Consider using a library study room or some other private space for recording. 

You will need a good quality microphone so that everyone can be heard, so please consider using the resources of the UMD Media Hub

Make sure to create a test recording to make sure the sound quality is reasonably good and that there is minimal or no background noise and that audio levels are consistent for all guests (someone should not be too loud while another is too soft).

You will submit your podcasts as mp3 files to Canvas. There is nothing to submit other than the audio recording of your podcast.  

Your podcast is due by 11:59 pm on the date shown on the Class Schedule. A podcast submitted 1 - 24 hours after the deadline will automatically lose 1 point (of a possible 5), and will then lose another 1/2 point per full school day it is late.


Your podcast will be graded on a 5 point scale, where 1 point is awarded for each of the following :