While I am always interested in talking with prospective undergraduate, M.S. and Ph.D. students for research in urban stormwater management and hydrologic modeling, I cannot promise I am taking on new students. I'll recommend reaching out to me via email if my research interests you!

Graduate students: 

There are two graduate programs available - Water Resources Science graduate program (M.S. or Ph.D.) and UMD Civil Engineering graduate program (M.S. only). To be considered, you need to submit before mid-December and reviewed in early spring. Teaching assistantships are normally available and come with a tuition waiver. Research assistantships may be available sometimes but are not guaranteed.

Thesis projects in my lab will most likely involve field hydrology and/or computational modeling in the Minnesota-Wisconsin region. Mostly I want self-motivated students who are excited about hydrology, are willing to go out to collect data in the field, and enjoy reading research papers and learning new field monitoring and/or modeling techniques! If you're interested in being a M.S. or Ph.D. student in my group, reach out to me ( with your research interests, job goals and CV before you apply!

Undergraduate students:

If you are a civil engineering undergraduate student or earth environmental science student interested in urban hydrology, please reach out to me ( and we can see if we can come up with a small research question for you to work on! I often have field sensors that need to be maintained and/or data sets that need to be analyzed. You can be compensated by either undergraduate research assistantships or the U of MN's UROP program.

You are all welcome!


Kun Zhang

258 Swenson Civil Engineering (SCiv)

1405 University Dr, Duluth, MN 55812


Phone: (218) 726-6430