
Academic Service.

Mentor,  ACM MobSys 2021 Mentorship Program, Attending Faculty, Virtual Conference

Student Volunteer at ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), (November, 2019) 

Graduate Students Organization for IST (GIST), Secretary, Penn State

(August 2016 – July 2017)


CSCW '18 - PhamilyHealth Poster Presentation

On November 2018, I had the amazing opportunity to join CSCW conference. The conference was located at Jersey City which had an amazing view to Manhattan.

It was such an wonderful experience. I had the chance to meet many different researchers and watch their presentations. I also had the chance to reconnect wit old friends from different universities.

Furthemore, I presented a poster about our research on intergenerational families together with our undergraduated student collaborator Elitza Georgieva. The paper is called: PhamilyHealth: A Photo Sharing System for Intergenerational Family Collaboration on Health.​

Paper Link:

CRA-Women Grad Cohort Workshop 2017

In April 2017, I had the opportunity to participate at CRA-Women Grad Cohort Workshop together with a group of other females students from IST.

The CRA-W Grad Cohort program, initiated in 2004, is generously funded by sponsors from industry, ACM, CRA, academia, the National Science Foundation, and the computing community. Grad Cohort aims to increase the ranks of senior women in computing-related studies and research by building and mentoring nationwide communities of women through their graduate studies.

I decided to attend because I think it is important to connect with other women in computing, and learn from each other experiences and research achievement.

The workshop presented me different perspectives of research methodologies and we heard great advice from senior women in computing on how to succeed and overcome barriers in our career path.  This workshop was super helpful because I could relate with many of the stories shared and I realized I am not the only one facing these difficulties. So, I found support and understanding among those women. We are all in this together!

My experience is similar to many women who caved the way to find space and fight to be heard and valued. Recently, I was award to go to a conference and all the women from my lab congratulated me except the men. They just ignored my achievement and did not even mentioned that. This is just one example of the fight I face every day.

I have the plan to pursue Academia Career. This conference helped me because they offered lectures to help you find jobs, to create your professional persona, to understand the difference between academia and industry. All those lectures helped me to understand better the research reality and to prepare me for the job market.

I would highly encourage other women from our department to go to this conference. It is a great opportunity to learn and grow from senior women in computing.

Encouraging Talk to High Schoolers

When I finished my Master degree, I was asked to give an encouraging talk to high school students from a public school at my hometown city (Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil).  The talk should focus on my academic experience, so I should say some words to motivate that students to pursue a graduate program in the future.

Then, I started from the beginning. I remembered when I was trying to decide which bachelor degree I should apply for, and that was a very difficult decision to me because there were a lot of options and people with different opinions saying what I should do. After this confusing experience, I gave the students this advice: Follow your guts! Because you should look for something that makes you happy (I know, I know… too cliché but true!).  And the reason is very simple: you will spend around 4-5 years of your life studying, learning and becoming aware of a specific area and this is too much time to throw away.

With that introduction I started to speak about my academia experience. I talked about my bachelor degree and projects, my industry experience and my master degree and projects. 

In the end, I concluded with the following sentence: “Study worth it!” Besides all the difficulties, it worthes the effort I guarantee. Well, I gave some space for questions too and they asked incredible questions and requested more information and more advises. I was so happy to share all these knowledge with them. I really enjoyed this experience, and I hope to see some of them, in the future, with a major degree. In addition, I expect to have more opportunities like this one where I could, somehow, influence a youth mind with positive instructions and be an inspiration example for these students. Of course, I had help and I really appreciate it, I would never achieve anything alone. So I would like to say: Thank you to all my supporters, family and friends!