PhamilyHealth Project

Project Motivation

Project Motivation: interpersonal relationships such as families and friends are an important source of support and encouragement to those who seek to engage in healthier habits. However, challenges related to geographic distance may hinder those relationships from fully collaborating and engaging in healthy living together.

Project Goal: develop and deploy a lightweight photo-based application called PhamilySpace to examine family members and friends engagement and awareness on healthy behaviors while living apart

What I've done

Role: Leading Researcher, Mentor Undergraduate Students, Project Management, Plan and Execute User Studies

Methods: Literature Review, Design Analysis, Design Ideation, Prototyping, Development and Deployment

Project Outcome

The system first prototype was published at CSCW '18 at

The system field study results were published at CSCW '20 at

PhamilyHealth Final App

We conducted a field study to observe participants' practices on using the proposed application in their natural settings and test the application under realistic conditions.

PhamilyHealth First Prototype

PhamilyHealht Prototype Refinements

We developed several iterations of PhamilyHealth prototype to bring the concept to a realistic application.

After refinements, we started the app development and deployment process.