Scholarly Work

Professional Background


Ph.D.  University of Florida (Forest Resources and Conservation, Educational Research and Evaluation)

M.Ed.  University of Minnesota Duluth (Environmental Education)

B.A.  College of St. Benedict (Education, Environmental Studies)

 Professional Experiences

Department of Applied Human Sciences, University of MN Duluth (Full Professor)

 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Environmental Education Specialist)

USDA Forest Service (Public Affairs Specialist)

National Park Service (Education Specialist; Park Ranger)

Research Interests

Early Childhood Environmental Education, Nature-Based Learning, Nature Play, Nature Preschools

Environmental Education Outcomes (School-based Programs, Conservation Education, Behavior Change)

Environmental Education Teacher Professional Development

Children and Nature Connections/Nature-Connectedness

Current Projects

Flourishing in Nature Research Line Current study underway: Impact of Nature Preschools on Young Children’s Self-Regulation  (Storer Foundation) *UMD News/Expert Alert

Wiijigaabawitaadidaa Niigaan Izhaayang (Moving Forward Together) Community of Practice (Northland Foundation)

Impact of "Deepening Empathy Practices with Indigenous Perspectives through a Community of Practice Approach" (ACE for Wildlife Capacity Building/Woodland Park Zoo)

Editorial Service

Environmental Education Research , International Advisory Board Member

Journal of Environmental Education, Consulting Editor 

International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, Consulting Editor

Journal of Interpretation Research, Editorial Board Member

Applied Environmental Education and Communication, Editorial Board Member

Sustainability, Editorial Board Member

Selected Publications

Ernst, J., & Stelley, H. (2024).  Does vocabulary grow in nature? Exploring the impacts of nature-based early learning on young children’s receptive vocabulary development.  Accepted in Children, Youth and Environments.

Ernst, J., Underwood, C., & Nayquanabe, T.  (2023).  Everyone has a piece of the story: A Community of Practice approach for supporting early childhood educators’ capacity for fostering empathy in young children through nature-based early learning.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 11(1), p. 34-62.  

Sobel, D. & Ernst, J.  (2023).  Some nature is better than no nature: A review of research on nature-based early childhood education.  Exchange, 271, p. 26-31. 

Ernst, J., Sobel, D.,  & Neil, A. (2022). Executive function in early childhood: Harnessing the potential of nature-based practices to elevate and equalize outcomes. Frontiers in Education. 7:1011912. 

Ernst, J.; Curran, C.; & Budnik, L. (2022).  Investigating the Impact of Preschool Type on Young Children’s Empathy. Sustainability,14, 1-17. 

Ernst, J. & Budnik, L.  (2022).  Fostering empaty for people and animals: An evaluation of Lake Superior Zoo's nature preschool.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 9(2), 3-16.

Ernst, J., Juckett, H., and Sobel, D. (2021) Comparing the impact of nature, blended, and traditional preschools on children’s resilience: Some nature may be better than none. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:724340. 

Ernst, J., Burgess, E., & Bruno, L.  (2021).  Nature preschool as a promoter of physical activity in young children: An exploratory study of nature preschool in a northern climate.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 8(3), 3-20.

Ernst, J., McAllister, K.., Siklander, P., & Storli, R. (2021).  Contributions to sustainability through young children’s nature play: A systematic review. Sustainability, 13(13):7443. 

Burgess (Robinson), E. & Ernst, J. (2021).  Playful learning: How nature preschools cultivate academic readiness.  ChildLinks (Barnados Ireland), 1, 2-9.

Ernst, J., Erickson, D., Burgess, E., & Feldbrugge, R.  (2020).   Beyond traditional teacher professional development: Innovations in teacher professional learning in environmental and sustainability education.   Journal of Sustainability Education, General Issue December, 1-18.

Siklander, P., Ernst, J., & Storli, R. (2020). Young children’s perspectives regarding rough and tumble play: A systematic review. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 9(2), 551-572. 

Robinson, E. & Ernst, J. (2020).  Beyond traditional school readiness: How nature preschools help prepare children for academic success. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 7(2), p. 17-33.   

Zamzow, J. & Ernst, J. (2020).  Supporting school readiness naturally: Investigating executive function growth in nature preschools.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 7(2), p. 6-16.    

Ernst, J. & Burcak, F. (2019). Young children's contributions to sustainability: The influence of nature play on curiosity, executive function skills, creative thinking, and resilience.  Sustainability, 11(15), 1-22;

Henry (Priener), K., Ernst, J., Ponder, J., & Henderson, C. Examining the effect of the Hunter’s Choice: Alternative Ammunition project on Minnesota deer hunters’ knowledge, attitudes, behavioral intentions, and behaviors regarding lead ammunition.  Submitted to Applied Environmental Education and Communication.  

Ernst, J., Johnson, M. & Burcak, F.  (2019). The nature and nurture of resilience: Exploring the impact of nature preschools on young children’s protective factors.   International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, Vol 6(2), 7-17. 

Ernst, J.  (2018). Zoos’ and aquariums’ impact and influence on connecting families to nature: An evaluation of the national Nature Play Begins at Your Zoo & Aquarium Program.  Visitor Studies, 21(2), 232-259.

Wojciehowski, M. & Ernst, J.  (2018). Creative by nature: Investigating the impact of nature preschools on children’s creative thinking.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 6(1), 3-20. 

Ernst, J, and Erickson, D.  (2018). Environmental education professional development for teachers: A study of the impact and influence of mentoring.  Journal of Environmental Education, 49(1), 1-18. 

Ernst, J.  (2018). Exploring young children’s and parents’ preferences for outdoor play settings and affinity toward nature.  International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 5(2), 30-45.

Hughes, A., Zak, K., Ernst, J. & Meyer, R.  (2017). Exploring the intersection of beliefs toward outdoor play and cold weather among Northeast Minnesota’s formal education and non-formal EE communities.  International Journal of Early Childhood Education, 5(1), 20-38. 

Hanson, E.; Ernst, J.; & Washburn, J.  (2017). Interpretive accommodations for National Park Service visitors who are d/Deaf or hard of hearing.  Journal of Interpretation Research, 22(1) 1-32. 

Li, J. & Ernst, J.  (2015). Exploring value orientations toward the human–nature relationship: A comparison of urban youth in Minnesota, USA and Guangdong, China.  Environmental Education Research, 21(4), 556-585.  

Ernst, J., Blood, N. & Beery, T.  (2015). Environmental Action and Student Environmental Leaders: Exploring the Influence of Environmental Attitudes, Locus of Control, and Sense of Personal Responsibility.  Environmental Education Research. DOI:10.1080/13504622.2015.106827860.  

Ernst, J. (2014). Early childhood educators' preferences and perceptions regarding outdoor settings as learning environments. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education, 2(1), 97-125.

Ernst, J. (2014). Early childhood educators’ use of natural outdoor settings as learning environments: An exploratory study of beliefs, practices, and barriers.  Environmental Education Research, 20(6), 735-752. 

Ernst, J. & Schwartz, J.  (2013). Environmental service and outdoor adventure as a context for positive youth development: An evaluation of the Crow River Trail Guards program.  Journal of Youth Development, 8(2), 57-75.  

Tanner, D. & Ernst, J.  (2013). Who goes there? Linking remote cameras and schoolyard science to empower environmental action.  Journal of Experiential Education, 36(2), 106-122.

Torquati, J. & Ernst, J.  (2013). Beyond the walls: Expanding inquiry on environment as the “Third Educator.”  Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 34(2), 191-208.  

Theimer, S. & Ernst, J. (2012). Fostering connectedness to nature through U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service education and outreach programming: A qualitative evaluation.  Applied Environmental Education and Communication, 11(2), 79-87.  

Ernst, J.  (2012). Early childhood nature play: A needs assessment of Minnesota licensed childcare providers.  Journal of Interpretation Research, 17(1), 7-24.

Ernst, J. & Tornabene, L.  (2012). Preservice early childhood educators’ perceptions of outdoor settings as learning environments.  Environmental Education Research, 18(5), 643-664. 

Ernst, J.  (2012).  Influences on and obstacles to K-12 administrators' support for environment-based education.  Journal of Environmental Education, 43(2), 73-92.  

Ernst, J.  & Theimer, S.  (2011).  Evaluating the effects of environmental education programming on connectedness to nature.   Environmental Education Research, 17(5), 577-598.  

Erickson, D. & Ernst, J.  (2011, July/August).  The real benefits of nature play every day.  Child Care Exchange /Nature Action Collaborative for Children, 97-99.  

Ernst, J.  (2010).  Fishing: Get in the Habitat! MinnAqua Leader’s Guide: An evaluation of distribution methods, implementation, and program outcomes.  Applied Environmental Education and Communications, 9(2), 104-121.  

Ernst, J., Monroe, M., & Simmons, B.  (2009).  Evaluating your environmental education program: A workbook for practitioners. Washington, D.C.: North American Association for Environmental Education.  

Ernst, J.  (2009).  Influences on U.S. middle school teachers’ use of environment-based education.  Environmental Education Research, 15(1), 71-92.  

Ernst, J.  (2009, July/August) Evaluating MinnAqua’s Fishing: Get in the Habitat! Leader’s Guide: Implications for the interpretive community.  Legacy, 20(4), 28-31.

Ernst, J.  (2007).  Teacher persistence in EE: Implications for the interpretive community.  Journal of Interpretation Research, 12(1), 51-65.

Ernst, J.  (2007).  Factors influencing K-12 teachers’ use of environment-based education.  Journal of Environmental Education, 38(3), 15-32.  

Ernst, J. & Stanek, D.  (2006).  The Prairie Science Class: A model for re-visioning environmental education within the National Wildlife Refuge System.  Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 11, 255-265.  

Ernst, J.  (2006, November/December).  Against all odds: Teacher persistence in environmental education.  The Interpreter, 2(6), 10-13. 

Ernst, J.  (2005).  A formative evaluation of the Prairie Science Class.  Journal of Interpretation Research, 10(1), 9-30.

Ernst, J.  (2005, September/October).  Evaluating the Prairie Science Class.  The Interpreter, 1(5),6-9.

Ernst, J. & Ellis, D.  (2005, April).  The Prairie Science Class: Pioneering a trail in interdisciplinary learning.  Science Scope, 28(7), 16-19. 

Ernst, J. & Monroe, M.  (2004).  The effects of environment-based education on students’ critical thinking skills and disposition toward critical thinking.  Environmental Education Research, 10(4), 507-522. 

Athman (Ernst), J. & Monroe, M.  (2004).  The effects of environment-based education on students’ achievement motivation.  Journal of Interpretation Research, 9(1), 9-25.  

Athman (Ernst), J. & Monroe, M.  (2001, July).  Elements of effective environmental education programs.  In A. J. Fedler (Ed.), Defining best practices in fishing, boating, and stewardship education (pp. 37-48).  Washington, DC: Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation.  

Athman (Ernst), J.  (2001, January/February).  Urban environmental education – Tree-house style!  Legacy, 12(1), 14-20.

Athman (Ernst), J.  (1998, November/December).  E-mail, GIS, and eagle nests: Technology at work in environmental education.  Legacy, 9(6), 25-27.  

Athman (Ernst), J. & Bates, T.  (1998, May/June).  Technology and environmental education – Friend or foe?  Legacy, 9(3), 12-15.  

Athman (Ernst), J.  (1997, July/August).  Parks as Classrooms field trips: Just another day in the park?  Legacy, 8(4), 14-36.