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Buses looked old fasioned in 1960s and 1970s

Cars looked old and rusty in 1960s and 1970s

In the late 1960s and 70s, as bus ridership fell, London Transport chose cheaper off-the-peg buses and driver-only operation on some routes to reduce costs.

Trains moving along tracks at a junction. British Pathé.

1960s cars could be the most stylish cars ever built, but power was even more important. Learn about the history of 1960s.

Take a look back at some of the classic 60s Ford pickup trucks that were on - and off! - the roads during that decade, and see what features.

A shopping list of famous riders owes their careers to the Harley-Davidson XR750, including Jay Springsteen, Mark Brelsford, Cal Rayborn.

The bicycle boom during the 70's was the biggest the United States has ever had, and it was especially remarkable because it was such a tremendous jump. 

We take a look at the history of scooters, from modest beginnings and post-war roles to the scooter's impact on popular culture.

The big innovation of the 60's was that now companies were actually manufacturing parts for real skateboards, ones that worked.

Roller skates are an ultimate icon of the 1970s – but the first demonstration of roller skates in Britain actually took place 200 years earlier.

he enduring change on Go Kart designs was introduced in the 1970s. The engine which used be placed at the back was fitted on the side.