關於圖書館 About Us





Our Mission

CWCC library provides a variety of resources to support learning and teaching, and to encourage the enjoyment of reading books. The mission of the library is to help develop reading habits for our students. By organizing Reading Promotion Scheme and various activities like Book Fairs, book reviews, sharing, reading competition and guest talk. Students have the chance to approach various reading materials with wider variety in different domains. It is also a good way to help students develop independent thinking and better learning attitudes.


    1. 同學須愛護及善用圖書館內一切資源。

    2. 同學應保持安靜,不得喧嘩、奔跑、嬉戲。

    3. 同學閱讀後的圖書應放回原位。

    4. 同學應保持圖書館整潔,請勿進食、亂拋垃圾。

    5. 使用後的桌椅亦應放回原位。

    6. 不得擅自帶走任何未經辦理借閱手續的圖書館資源。

    7. 同學須服從圖書館老師或圖書館服務生之指示。

General rules

    1. School bags, plastic bags and folders should not be brought into the library. These should be kept at the storage area in the library.

    2. Silence and tidiness must be maintained inside the library. Chatting, eating, drinking and sleeping are forbidden in the library. Food and drinks should not be brought into the library and water bottles should be kept at the storage area in the library.

    3. Books and magazines should be put back on the appropriate shelves according to the call numbers or be put in the trolley.

    4. Students who are self-studying in the library must not discuss with other students loudly. Before leaving the library, students should show their books to the librarian or student librarians for inspection.

    5. Students must first register at the counter before using the computer.

    6. All library users in the school library have to follow the instructions of the student librarians on duty. The student librarians have the right to take down the name of any misbehaving library users and report to the Teacher Librarian.


    1. 如欲使用電腦設施,必須出示學生證明文件,向圖書館負責老師登記。

    2. 每位學生最多可於小息及午息時使用電腦十分鐘,逾時須重輪候。同學亦可預約,預約的時段每天最多兩節,每節十分鐘,放學則每節十五分鐘。

    3. 已預約者最遲必須在預約時段準時到達,否則其預約會被取消, 所約時段不論是單一節 還是連續兩節,一律會分配予其他合資格的輪候人士使用。

    4. 同學嚴禁通過圖書館網絡發放或瀏覽內容含有淫褻、不雅、暴力、令人反感、誹謗、 恐嚇或歧視成分的網頁;或參與網上遊戲或賭博。

    5. 複製版權作品的行為受《 版權條例 》 限制。使用者使用圖書館電腦設施列印、掃描、 下載和瀏覽互聯網時,必須確保不會侵犯版權。

    6. 使用者不得損壞中心內設施或更改工作站的系統設定。

    7. 同學離開前應登出所有線上帳戶並關閉瀏覽器,以保障個人資料。

    8. 如獲圖書館老師的准許,同學可自備A4紙列印檔案,費用全免。

Overdue Books

    1. Overdue loans incurs a fine of HK$0.50 per day for each book. (School holidays not counted). If the accumulated fines add up to HK$10, the teacher librarian will, in person, remind the students to return the books.

    2. No additional items can be borrowed from the library until all overdue loans are returned.

    3. Overdue notices are given to students within one week of the items being overdue.