
Learning Resources


網址 website : http://www.earthsciences.hku.hk/shmuseum/


Stephen Hui Geological Museum (The University of Hong Kong) has opened its doors to the public on January 16, 2009 as the first and only geological museum in Hong Kong. It is located on the campus of the University of Hong Kong as part of the Department of Earth Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences, which has the role as a provider of Earth Science education in Hong Kong. Therefore it is the obligation of the Stephen Hui Geological Museum to offer an attractive interface between the Hong Kong University and the community of Hong Kong to encourage stewardship of the Earth and promote an understanding of the value of Earth Science and its application and relevance to Hong Kong's modern environment.

Through its collection, exhibits and activities the Stephen Hui Geological Museum provides a center for extra-classroom educational opportunities in Earth Sciences not only to university students but also to primary and secondary schools and the general public and become a recognized resource of Earth Science education in Hong Kong. Public outreach activities in form of organized school group visits and programs as well as loan out services to educational bodies aim to integrate Earth Sciences into the school syllabus and establish a general vision of 'Earth Science and the community'.

相關連結 Useful links

香港大學 (地球科學系) The University of Hong Kong (Department of Earth Sciences )


香港地質 : 四億年的旅程 (由土木工程拓展署提供)

Hong Kong Geology - A 400-Million Year Journey

(Prepared by the Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD)



Hong Kong Geopark



Geological Society of Hong Kong
