Junior American Literature

Mr. O'Grady says...

Welcome! We have an interesting year ahead of us, so hold on tight! This is my first year teaching this new American Literature course. Yes, I have taught American Lit. for many years, but this class will be drastically different since we are now upperclassmen! I am excited to see what the year entails for us.

Junior American Literature 2022-2023 Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Be sure to review the syllabus to learn what skills and works we'll be focusing on this year!

One important thing to note, for both students and parents: All Formative assessment scores will be found in the Google Classroom (linked above), while Summative assessment scores will be on Google Classroom and TylerSIS.

When you see a white boat [🚢] next to the name of an old assignment in Google Classroom, it means I have already reviewed the assignment, submitted a score if appropriate, and will not be reviewing the assignment anymore because the deadline has passed. This does not apply if you have had excused absences, but please leave a note in the "private comments" section when submitting a late assignment. If you have questions, please let me know.

Current Unit & Classwork:

Unit 1: Puritanism and Drama

ELA PIs: 5C-summarize & analyze. 5D-understanding of language.
The Crucible.

An important thing to note: Assignments and due dates can be found in the calendar below. We will be reading this (pretty difficult) play aloud in class together, and so I am currently not able to plan out the pacing for getting through the four acts together. There will be a daily anticipatory guide that students will complete along the way, and I will update student progress in our Google Classroom.

Class "Calendar"

While I used to try to update a daily Google Calendar in the past, I have found that it is much easier for students to access their work/daily information in the Stream of the Google Classroom. That being said, the Google Classroom is the best option for students (and parents) to access our class materials and see what's going on! And as always, please feel free to reach out to me if you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns. togrady@cvsu.org