
Meet the nurses

Williston Schools District Nurse

Maria Kapetanovic, RN, BSN, MSN/Ed

ph: 871-6170

fax: 871-6101

Williston Central School Nurse

Carol Albertelli, RN, BSN

ph: 871-6170

fax: 871-6101

Allen Brook School Nurse

Sylvia Love, RN, BSN, MSN/Ed

ph: 871-6248

fax: 871-6201

Copy of Return to School Following Illness Information for Families

In the Health Office we encourage students to use their SMARTS:

- Say "Hi" to the nurses and introduce yourself even if you think we should know your name

- Explain your problem and tell us how we can help you

- Please, don't touch anything in the Health Office without permission

- Use your time wisely. Unless it is an emergency, try to come during breaks, on the way to/from lunch/recess, during core time and don't stay too long. Remember, we need you to be in class as much as possible.

- If there is a big line of other students waiting, try to come in later instead of spending long time just waiting in the hall.

- Say "Thank you" when you leave

Programs we run:

Vision photoscreening with SPOT (October 2022)

We are very lucky to be selected for Vermont Lions KidSight program and Middlebury Lions Club will be coming to our schools to perform vision photoscreening.

WCS Vision screening for 3, 5 nd 7th graders - Tuesday October 18th

ABS Vision screening - Tuesday October 25th

Vermont Lions KidSight program uses a photoscreening digital device called a SPOT to objectively check for vision problems. The photoscreener is like a large camera. It takes a picture of your child’s eyes. With that and the measurements obtained from the images, SPOT can detect a number of potential eye conditions.

If we find a problem, we will send you a referral letter. If your child’s SPOT results form states “Complete Eye Exam Recommended” at the top right of the page, it is a referral and we recommend that your child visit an eye care professional.

On the SPOT referral, you will see a section on the right side of the page called “Potential Condition”. This includes information about the potential eye condition(s) detected by the SPOT device.

If you do not hear from us, your child passed the screenings. If your child is not in selected grades, but you have concerns, and feel your child needs to have a vision or hearing test this year, please contact the Health Office at your child’s school ans we will add them on the list.

The vision screening will only happen on the dates listed above. It is a one-day event and we strongly encourage you child not to be absent from school on that day. There will be no make-ups.

Understanding your child's vision screening results

The camera:

Why Lions KidSight?

Need more?

Dental screening for K and 3rd grade

Our schools were chosen by the Dept of Health to take part in the Children's State Dental Health Survey. This survey will help assess the dental health of our children. Children in Kindergarten and third grades are being offered free dental screenings as part of this survey. More details and opt-out slips will be sent home in the next few weeks.

WCS Dental screening for 3rd grade - Tuesday 9/27/22

ABS Dental screening for K - Wednesday 10/19/22

5th grade puberty lesson (end of May/June)

Please read this letter regarding shift in puberty lesson approach


Prescription Medication Form WCS

Prescription medication permission form:

Please, fill this out if you are sending in emergency medications (asthma inhaler, Epi Pen, Diastat) to keep at school or if your child will be taking prescription medication during school day

Annual Student Health Update Form

In order to keep your students safe, it is important that we have updated and accurate medical information about each and every student. Please take the time to log into your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, select the name of your child located in the blue ribbon on top and navigate to the “Forms” icon on the left-hand toolbar to review, update and submit the Health forms for each of your children. Please note that your submission of the Health form is required before your child may participate in any off-site field trips.

Religious Immunization Exemption Form (click on the link to download the form):

For families choosing to use a Religious Exemption note that the form must be signed and submitted to the school each year, after review as required by law of the updated Parent Education document. Families are expected to print the form at home, sign it, and submit it to the school over the summer or upon school entry.

If this form is not received by the school, student will be considered non-compliant with immunizations requirements and may be excluded from school on the first day after December break.