The Creative Team

Carol is beyond thrilled to head up WCS Drama after 8 years at ADLawton in Essex, as well as 40 years of performing as an actor, singer, dancer, and pianist. Carol was based in London for 8 years and got to do some amazing stage things there and in Europe.  

She is a busy Director, Music Director, and theatre musician.  She lives in Williston with her family of humans, dogs, pianos, and kayaks.

Carol Spradling


Angela Pollock


Mrs. T-H is in her 25th year as a music educator. She teaches Pre-K through 2nd-grade music at Allen Brook School and 4th-grade chorus at Williston Central School. 

She enjoys playing woodwinds in pit orchestras and is thrilled to be music directing this year's show at WCS!

She has five children and four grandchildren. She lives in Williston with her family and dogs.

Danielle Trasciatti-Holmberg

Music Director and Producer

Steve Smith

Technical Director 

Amanda Carr

Costume Designer