Welcome to the Hinesburg Community School Athletics website! At HCS we believe in giving all students the opportunity to belong to a school based team. Sports are played to win, but building student-athlete character is just as important. As we develop athletic skills, we also strive to build character, sportsmanship, integrity and develop leadership skills. All of our sports are open to 7th and 8th graders and many are open to 6th and even 5th graders.
Basketball Practice week of 2/10-2/14: Boys have early practice until 4:30 and Girls have later practice 4:30-6:00
Girls Basketball Game Monday home vs BRMS B Team 4:15pm-A Team 5:15pm, Boys are away at BRMS B Team 4:15pm-A Team 5:15pm.
Please check the calendar below for games the rest of the week!
Volleyball March Madness tryouts: March 6th and 7th 3:00-5:00pm. If you need to register for VB and already played a sport this year, you do not need to re-register just email hcsathletics@cvsdvt.org to add volleyball. See tentative schedule.
All players with later practice must go home and then return to their later practice time. Athletes cannot stay at school unsupervised during that time.
Please Note: Students whose two-year physical date will expire before the end of the upcoming sports season they are participating in (Fall seasons end by October 31, 2024, Winter seasons end by March 31, 2025, and the Spring seasons end by June 15, 2025) must make arrangements for a physical exam before the current physical expires. Please email hcsathletics@cvsdvt.org if you would like to check the status of your Wellness Form. We will be sending out a reminder next week if your athletes form needs updating or will expire before the end of the season. Please email with current wellness form asap. Physicals must be up to date to attend tryouts or practice.
Please check the calendar regularly for any changes. Coaches will send emails weekly, so if you have not received weekly info from your coach, please email hcsathletics@cvsdvt.org
Please look under the Calendar and Schedule tab at the top of the website to see downloadable schedules. You will need to scroll below the calendar to click on the schedule doc. Please note that changes will be made due to weather so check back frequently. Any last minute changes, we will send out emails to families.
Please check your email for immediate cancellations and inclement weather updates!
Check the Viking for more information.