Hinesburg Community School
School Info for Families
Champlain Valley School District
Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, St. George and Williston became a unified district known as the Champlain Valley School District on July 1, 2017.
Hinesburg Community School
10888 Route 116
Hinesburg, VT 05461
ph: 802-482-2106
fax: 802-482-2003
Suzan Locke, HCS Co- Principal
802 482-6299
Tim Trevithick, HCS Co-Principal
802 482-6298
Alicia Kurth, HCS Special Education Administrator
802 425-2771
Links below will be updated to our new website soon!
School Day
School Starts at 7:45am
Arrival Times:
School Starts at 7:45am
Arrival Times:
7:45 Bus Drop Off, 7:30-7:45 Parent Drop Off
Unless your student is riding the bus, our side parking lot is the designated drop-off and pick-up location for students before and after school. Please bring your student to HCS no earlier than 7:30 and no later than 7:45. Students who ride the bus in the morning will be dropped off at the front door and will go directly to their classroom.
End of the Day:
At the end of the school day, if a student is not riding the bus they must meet their party in the side parking lot. Parents must stay with their vehicle and are asked to leave promptly after picking up their student. Parents are not to congregate in front of or inside the school at any time.
Dismissal Times:
Dismissal begins at 2:40 each day and is staggered by grade.
Early Release Days on Wednesdays, will be an hour earlier.
Students will be dismissed at the following times:
Dismissal Times
2:43- 3-4 and 5-8
2:45 Buses Leave HCSAbsent or late from school? Please email information to:Â HCSattendance@cvsdvt.org or call: 802-482-2106, option 1