Garden for Life History

In 2006, The Allen Brook School garden was begun by former kindergarten teacher, Diane DiGenarro. Along with a group of ABS staff, the gardens were planned and Andrew Wolf was hired to facilitate the gardens with the students. The following year the Williston Central School gardens were planted with two 8x12 raised beds and a dedicated parent who led the students weekly in basic garden practices. In 2008, Andrew Wolf and Laura Gigliotti joined forces and have worked closely together to maintain the gardens at both schools. Andrew instructs Garden for Life at ABS weekly, while Laura leads the way at WCS. Their passion for the environment, nature and all things edible enhances our program by teaching our students wonderful life lessons. Eating nutritious, locally grown food, being gentle to all things (even worms) and deepening our relationship to the earth are just a few ways in which our students connect to our "garden magic". Since 2006, both school gardens have gradually "grown", more than tripling in size. Both school's have beautiful pergola structures, each built by former students for their 8th grade challenges. In 2016, Williston's Taft Corners Community Gardens and WCS Garden for Life merged, forming a true community garden. Garden plots are available for community members for their personal use and the students continue to grow food for the school cafeterias as well as the Williston Food Shelf.

WCS Pergola built 2012

WCS students tending to the garden in 2007

WCS gardens -before raised beds were installed

A beautiful addition to the ABS garden...

a Pergola built in 2009

Raised beds funded by grant money received.

Raised beds installed at WCS, including one designed for wheelchair accessibility

In 2015, Taft Corners Williston Community Member Gardens joins WCS Garden for Life creating a true Community garden. Williston residents interested in renting a garden plot, please contact