Public Awareness Campaigns

Remote Learning

For the Design Tech rotation you will be creating a Public Awareness Campaign. I have worked on this project with many classes this year and it has been a lot of fun. I am having to scale the project way down to fit into a remote learning format. The two main things you will be creating are a logo and a Public Service Announcement video.

Choose a Topic

Choose a topic and add it to the topic list in our Google Classroom shared folder. Ms. Joly will approve topics by Wednesday, April 15th.

*If you think that you would like to collaborate with another student for this project, please contact Ms. Joly.*

Possible Topics:

  • seatbelt safety
  • endangered animals (choose one)
  • climate change
  • rainforest issues
  • helmet safety
  • animal rescue
  • homelessness
  • ocean pollution
  • fire safety
  • air pollution
  • anti smoking/vaping
  • gender equity
  • compost
  • texting/driving

Research Your Topic

You will need to find reliable internet sources to learn more about your topic.

Complete the Public Awareness Planning Sheet found in our Google Classroom folder.

Don't forget to keep track of the websites you used to find your information!

Design Your Logo

We will be using the information on this section of the site for the logo design process.

Ms. Joly will use the laser cutter to create a bookmark or decoration with your logo on it!

We will be using WeVideo or Adobe Spark to make videos. If you would like to learn how to use a green screen, I will be scheduling a couple time slots for students to try this.