Home Workouts

General Fitness

Click the links below to find workouts you can do at home.

Cory's pre-season and in season workouts

Home workouts from Jess and Scott's P.Fit and AFE classes

*Substitute exercises if you don't have correct equipment

*AMRAP = as many rounds/reps as possible (usually in a prescribed time - 10, 20, 30 minutes)


Distance - Suggested Training During School Hiatus

Reach out to Cory Coffey at ccoffey@cvsdvt.org if you have questions.


Coach My Mai's favorite workouts

Mandatory Warm Up

2 x 30 m strides

2 x A march

2 x A skip

2 x AC Skip

2 x double A Skip

2 x Marching run

2 x Marching Run w/ A Skip Pause

Dynamic Stretching

Knee Tucks, Chicken Walks, Leg Swings etc

Workout A) Acceleration: 4 x 30, 3 x 40 m; full recovery between reps

Workout B) Extensive Tempo workout: 8-10 x 100m on the track, 1 minute rest between rep. Can be broken out into sets as well if you're out of shape. 2 x 5 x 100, 1 min rest between reps, 3 minutes between sets

Woukout C) General strength: 20 seconds on, 20 seconds off

Prisoner Squat, Front Lunge, Back Lunge, Side Lunge

Core Series: Leg Lifts, Bicycles, V ups, Bus drivers

Plank Series: Front Plank, Side Plank Left, Side Plank Right

Push up series: Normal push ups, Wide push ups, Narrow push ups

Jump Series: Prisoner Squat Jumps, Split Jumps (right leg in front), Split Jumps (left leg in front)


See "Sprints" workouts


See "General Fitness" for Cory's strength and fitness workouts and Jess and Scott's home P.Fit/AFE workouts.


Distance Killers - Shot Put

Pole Vault

From Coach Eli Enman: The best training for pole vault is to follow the sprint workouts (speed on the runway is one of the most important components of pole vaulting). Other than that, finding a long stick to practice pole drops, and if you find the right length stick and a backstop you can do some takeoff drills (please don't injure yourself). YouTube Has a vast library of technique clips and videos to watch and learn from. Finally, strength training is critical for pole vaulting; push-ups, pull-ups, core strength and leg strength are all important to maintain. There are a number of at home strength workouts in the "General Fitness" and "Throws" workout sections.