
In order to participate in tryouts, ALL PLAYERS must:

Varsity & JV Tryouts

The first three days are tryouts for the varsity team. 11th & 12th graders must try out for varsity, 9th & 10th graders may try out for Varsity and/or JV. 9th & 10th graders who do not wish to try out for varsity come to JV tryouts. Any 9th and 10th graders who do not make varsity will be invited back to JV tryouts. 

Placement on a team in a previous year does not dictate or guarantee placement the next year. We expect all members of our Varsity team to demonstrate skills, drive, and commitment every day. 

Tryout Schedule-See you in August 2024

All tryouts will be held in the CVU gym.

Varsity Tryouts: What to Expect

CVU’s Girls Varsity Volleyball is an exceptional program in the state of Vermont because it is comprised of players and coaches who want to work hard and improve. We have no interest in taking on players who believe they are already good enough. These are tryouts for everyone—every spot will be earned.

When making decisions about team rosters, coaches will consider the following criteria:

Player behavior

Player preparedness & awareness

Player knowledge

What to bring to tryouts: