English Language Arts

Our English Language Arts block is comprised of reading, writing, spelling, and social studies.


Our reading block of time includes the five essential components of reading. They are phonemic awareness, phonics / decoding, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

    • Phonemic Awareness - the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds
    • Phonics / Decoding - the relationship between letters and the sounds they make (figuring out the word)
    • Fluency - the ability to read accurately, quickly, and with expression (you should read at the rate of which you speak)
    • Vocabulary - the meaning of words
    • Comprehension - understanding


Our writing block of time includes grammar, the writing process, and writing in response to reading.

    • Grammar - the rules of writing
    • The Writing Process - prewrite, draft, revise, proofread, and publish
    • Writing in Response to Reading - expressing your understanding of what you have read in written form


Spelling is the encoding of words. Spelling practices are reinforced throughout our ELA class. Focus skills are emphasized in our 4th grade lesson lists. Each lesson's list will be written in the children's trackers and a copy will be placed in the study side of their red reading folders. (See the "Spelling List" page for specific lists.)

Social Studies

Social studies is embedded into English Language Arts through the reading of the social sciences and historical events.