2nd Grade

Benchmark Skills

  1. I can recognize that questions can be answered by finding information.

  2. I can ask "I wonder" questions about the research topic.

  3. I can follow a modeled inquiry process during each visit to the library to do research.

  4. I can write, draw, or verbalize the main idea and supporting ideas.

  5. I can compare new ideas with what is known at the beginning of the inquiry.

  6. I can present information in a variety of ways (through art, music, poetry, movement, verbally, and/or through written language)

  7. I can identify my own strengths and set goals for improvement.

Crow Inquiry Project: Weeks 5-8

Our first research project for the year is an inquiry about crows.

We worked in class to compile a list of things we already know about crows and we brainstormed some questions we have about them. We watched a video about how scientists study crows. This is part of the inquiry process we use to learn independently, using library resources.

Today all students will add questions to a Wonder Padlet, look crows up in World Book online, and then go back to the Learned Padlet to add some details about what we learned from the encyclopedia. The encyclopedia is a great place to begin research.

1) Wonder Padlet

2) World Book Kids Encyclopedia

3) Learned Padlet

Bonus: Search for Crows on Scholastic Go! Log in through SEEK and search for the keyword "crow". Do you know which article to click to learn more about the bird we are studying?