Summer Fine Motor Fun

Summer Fine Motor Ideas

The buttons below have a lot of activities that can be done through the summer to work on your childs hand strength and fine motor skills. Building fine motor strength can be done with common daily activiites, such as: washing a car or a table and wringing out the sponge/washcloth, pulling weeds, helping to garden, folding laundary, and even with helping prep food. All of these life skills are good for kids to learn and help with the development of the their hands. Best thing to do is to find ways to make it FUN! Other fun fine motor activities are: side walk chalk, painting rocks, building sand castles, bouncing and throwing a ball, shooting a basketball, climbing on the playground, legos, playdough, making a craft or card for others, writing in general, etc.

Sample cooking lesson from a 4 year old


To challenge fine motor skills without looking you can also try to have on person state the steps of a simple/safe food prep activity and have the other person behind them listening to the steps and preforming the activity. This is a graet trust activity that works on many skills. Here are my kids trying it. My son was brave since his twin sister was the one making the sandwich