Conemaugh Valley Elementary Library

Welcome to the library!

My name is Mrs. Tyger and I am thrilled to be teaching the students of Conemaugh Valley School District. In library class, we will learn skills needed to navigate a library, digital literacy, research, and literature. My goal is to equip and inspire everyone to enjoy reading. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! You can start searching for your next book on Destiny by following this link:

About Mrs. Tyger

This is my fourth year teaching at Conemaugh Valley Elementary School. I graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education K-6. I went back to IUP for my master's degree in Literacy K-12. I am a certified Library Media Specialist and Reading Specialist and love to learn something new everyday!

When do I have library class?

I'm glad you asked! Library is a class students will participate in once during a 5-day cycle. To see when you have library class, find your homeroom teacher's name below one of the 5 days. These days cycle through from week to week, so please be sure to keep track of what day it is and be sure to bring your library book with you to school on those days!

Day 1:

Ms. Glass (1-3), Mrs. Reynolds (2-3), Mrs. Laue (3-3)

Day 2:

Mrs. McGowan (K-1), Mrs. Migyanka (2-1), Mrs. Sidor (4-1), Ms. Johns (5-3), Mr. Roberts (6-1)

Day 3:

Mrs. Hott (K-2), Ms. Zatek (1-1), Ms. Marano (4-3), Mrs. George (5-1), Ms. Thomas (6-2)

Day 4:

Ms. Bark (3-1), Mrs. Lauer (2-2), Mrs. Meyers (6-3)

Day 5:

Ms. Kunsmen (1-2), Ms. Murphy (3-2), Ms. Kundrod (4-2), Ms. Byers (5-2)

What do I do if I can't find my library book??

Don’t panic! We all misplace items from time to time. Tell Mrs. Tyger so that if someone at school finds your book and returns it she can let you know. Then, look in all the places you can possibly think of where it could be found. Don’t forget to look in your desk, locker, classroom(s), house, car(s), at child care centers or providers’ homes, old backpacks, relatives’ houses and cars, and under your bed. If you don’t return your book after several weeks, we will send a note home asking for return of the book or payment. A student may not borrow additional library books and take them home if books are not returned, unless the cost of the item is paid. Fines for lost or damaged books MUST be paid for or books replaced by the end of the school year!