Science and Foundation

Lots of science subject areas covered with resources specifically designed for primary age children. (Other subjects are also available on this site).

Lots of different and fun science activities you can do in the house or garden.

Whizz Pop Bang is an award-winning kids’ science magazine, bursting with hands-on experiments, facts and fun. Enjoy some FREE hands-on science experiments and science reading comprehensions to help you entertain, excite and educate your child at home.

CVJS Science

Lots of online videos that help keep children active inside and also teach mindfulness and meditation.

Online program for teaching and developing touch typing.

Different activity ideas that involve creating or engaging with different things in your house or garden.

Joe Wicks has recorded various 5 minute fitness activities aimed at primary school children.

Some videos are free – dances, workouts, fitness challenges.

A great language learning app - you should be able to create a free account and can download the app.

A Google-based online E-Safety platfrom where children can learn how to be safe on the internet.