Frequently asked questions

Once I choose an option, can I change my mind later?

A continuous and consistent learning environment is best for student success. However, we understand that parents and students might have compelling reasons to seek a transition from one option to another, so we will provide opportunities to do so when available.  For the sake of continuity, once an option has started, transfers from one learning option to another would be best after the completion of a 9 week grading term or semester.  Unique circumstances will be handled on a case by case basis in partnership with the assigned school.

Will I have the same classes as I would in the traditional model?

Core classes will be available under both options. The Campbellsville Independent District CES EAGLE Online Hub will have courses available in the Traditional Model. Administration will customize a quality, individualized plan for each student.

If I choose the CES EAGLE Online option will I need to have my own computer or laptop?

A desktop, laptop, or Chromebook will be required and an internet connection will be necessary at home. Families needing support should reach out to their assigned school for information on obtaining assistance for technology needs. When you select your option you can indicate whether you have access to the internet.

Pathblazers (K-5) Minimum System Requirements - Available Here

Are learning "times" for the CES EAGLE Online Hub option flexible?

The CES EAGLE Online virtual learning model is a blended learning model . Students will have scheduled times, and digital resources and assignments that can be completed at home. A large portion of learning will also be personalized, targeted learning objectives to improve student outcomes that can be completed outside the "normal" school day. This learning model provides families the flexibility to choose an instructional model to meet their needs during these uncertain times, and reflects our district’s commitment to providing a high-quality instructional experience, no matter what the setting.

Do I still have to take state assessments as a virtual student?

Because CES EAGLE ONLINE is a public school choice, students must participate in all required state assessments. Students will be required to report to a school campus for State Assessments.

Will students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans receive accommodations in CES EAGLE Online?

All students attending  CES EAGLE Online will have access to many accommodations that naturally occur in the virtual setting. In addition,  CES EAGLE Online may be able to provide additional accommodations per a student’s IEP or Section 504 Plan if the accommodation(s) is/are applicable to the online educational environment. Please note that some accommodations may not be possible to implement in the online educational setting.

For students enrolled in CES EAGLE Online, will there be options for feeding?

YES - meal opportunities will continue for CES EAGLE Online virtual students for both breakfast and lunch. Families will be able to pick-up from various locations on an identified schedule. Additional information will be available soon.

Do I need to submit an excuse note if I have an appointment or miss a day?

Typically yes. Students will have flexibility and can "catch up" on their course work but should still submit an excuse note from a parent or medical provider for any date they will not complete school work. If the student will have an extended absence, CES EAGLE Online staff should be notified in advance.

What happens if I become ill or placed on QUARANTINE?

Health and safety is always a priority for any student. In any serious situation, medical professionals should be consulted on how to approach school work. Virtual students that are quarantined but not sick can continue their normal CES EAGLE Online assignments.