Reading online!

Lots of options for reading at home

Hi everyone!

Please see the information below to see some different ways that you can read your favorite books and stories online. If you have any questions or problems, email me! I would love you hear from you!

Mrs. Joslyn (and Fergal the cat)

SORA Overview.pdf

Directions for using Sora

Stuck at home? Try the Sora app! 

We now have access to TONS of e-books and audiobooks through the Sora app for students who have a school email address. Make sure to sign in with your school Google account. Click the button below to go to SORA and then follow the directions in the pdf to logon.

Don't know what to read? Watch a book trailer to get some ideas!

get your public library card

You can sign up online with an adult and get a temporary card for 60 days.

libby app

With your library card, use Libby to download books to your Kindle, phone, or tablet.


Ask Mrs. Joslyn for the login to use this!


Listen to your favorite books as audio.

storyline online

Storyline Online has some great book choices that are read to you.


Free through June.

From Destiny Discover, in the School field, enter Follett eLearning, McHenry, IL.

Teaching Books has some great book choices that are read to you. If you need a login and password, look on the Databases and Password tab at the top of this page.