Conewago Valley School District


The CVSD Libraries will provide resources to students, faculty, staff, and select community members.  Each professional media specialist will provide a variety of materials (print, digital, hardware) while considering a variety of learning needs, interests, curricular requirements, community culture, and interventions.

Start your research here!

Find books located in your school library 

Audio books and e-books to read online or download to your device

Online Encyclopedia to start your research

At home access:

Login: conewago

PW: CVlibrary

Meet Mrs. Knott

Mrs. Knott has been in the CVIS library since the very beginning! She has spent the past 19 years working and loving every second of being the CVIS librarian.  She enjoys teaching STEM to 4th grade, Media Literacy to 5th grade, and Coding to 6th graders. When she isn't at work, she is doing something else that she loves, like spending time with her family or reading or camping!

Meet Mrs. Millhimes

Library Aide

717.624.2157 ext. 4317