Graphic Design

Cole Shannon - Photoshop Basics

Coming into graphic design I did not know how to do anything with Photoshop. This project was a great start for me.

Cole Shannon - My Name Is

I struggled with this project a lot, if I were to do it over again I think I would pick an easier font to create.

Cole Shannon - Fish out of Water

I enjoyed this project a lot. I learned how to do shadows which helped me on later projects.

Cole Shannon - Photo retouching

I was not a very big fan of this project because I did a picture of myself, but it did teach me a lot about how to retouch photos.

Cole Shannon - I Inked Myself

This was my favorite project of the semester. Tattoos are very interesting to me, so I enjoyed this one a lot.

Cole Shannon - Then and Now

This project was very fun. The process of creating a picture with your past self and your present self was definitely fun.

Cole Shannon - Animal Discovery

I enjoyed this project a lot, because I love animals. I had a lot of fun trying to make a polar bear and a puppy look like one animal.

Cole Shannon - Comic Booked

This project was a blast, coming up with a story line was one of my favorite parts. Then putting that story into a comic was very fun.

Cole Shannon - Illustrator Essentials

I enjoyed this project and found that my design was cool. This was one of my more favorite projects.