Instructional Planning for the Unexpected

Resources to Accompanying OTC Keynote 2020

Planning Examples.docx

Santa Rosa Junior College Resources

DE Structures Survey Summary.pptx

Survey of DE Structures


Equity in Online Courses.pptx

Humanizing Online Classes to Promote Equity

Creative Commons Licensed presentation

Mt. San Jacinto College Resources


MSJC Institutional Self-Evaluation Report

Quality Focus Essay (page 550) outlines Distance Education as a key action project intended to improve student persistence, retention, and successful completion of educational goals



MSJC Invests in Distance Education Support by creating the Distance Education & Learning Technology Advancement (DELTA) department.

DELTA is established to address Strategic Master Plan, Distance Education Plan, and QFE Action Project Goals.

Canvas Exposure

Required Syllabus submission Via Canvas

  • May seem small - but it meant all Faculty had Canvas accounts and had at least some previous exposure to the technology

All courses have Canvas shells created every term

  • No additional need to stand up shells

  • Faculty had immediately access to communicate with students

Recommended Preparation for DE Teaching Assignments at MSJC

Recommended Prep

The Recommended Preparation for Distance Education Teaching Assignments guidelines were established in response to the change in title 5 section 55208. These guidelines were created by our Educational Technology Committee and adopted by the Academic Senate.

Establishes Standards for Quality Online Teaching (SQOT) and State of DE as recommended professional development.


Emergency Clause

Negotiated CTA Faculty Contract includes an Emergency Clause in Article 2C establishing in the case of an "extreme emergency necessitating closure of the college and/or suspension of classes" that the district and union will negotiate which provisions of the contract will be affected and complete an MOU during the emergency.

MSJC Virtual Facilitation During Times of Disruption.pdf

Disruption Training

Virtual Facilitation During Times of Disruption

  1. PDF document emailed to all faculty day of college closure

  2. Auto enrolled all faulty into Canvas course with additional resources and ongoing support resources

  3. Three hour required synchronous training via Zoom
    (paid for both full and part-time faculty)

Fresno City College Resources


BaseCamp created on March 6, 2020 for All Campus Leadership. Faculty, Classified, & Admin.

This was intended and will be an archive for future planning. We can unpack and review what we did well and where we can improve.

Growing with Canvas

"Growing with Canvas" was created by Instructure. Fresno City, like other colleges, modified and adopted the self-paced course for Faculty. Each section has a badge. A sandbox is referred to in the course and is beneficial for faculty to play with what they learn. We enrolled all instructors on March 15th.


CVC-OEI Ecosystem adopted between 2017-2019.

Passport to Canvas

Instructure developed "Passport to Canvas" for students to learn how to use Canvas. Fresno City, like other colleges, have modified "Passport" for their own students. We launched this on March 8th and we enrolled all students on March 17th. Within 5 days, over 325 students self-enrolled. This stream also allowed setting up announcements and messages to students who might not be checking their email or the website. Badges continue to be earned and shared by students. The spike represents when students were messaged about Passport as a resource.

Equity in DE

Presented in May 2019, the Equity subgroup of CVC-OEI presented information they had gathered. The group looked at college websites to evaluate ease of use and access to information. They also reviewed Student Equity Plans. This pie chart reveals that distance education has not been a stakeholder in these plans. Demographic information throughout the state reflects that students of color are less successful in DE. While the majority of Student Equity Plans to date do not include DE, disaggregated data and plans for addressing inequity in teaching and learning within DE need attention.

Black Minds Matter

The slide above was taken out of the presentation, "Black Minds Matter: The Interconnection of Black Lives and Black Minds" by Dr. Wood and Dr. Harris.