Canyon Webstore 

We are requesting a contribution of $600 for each student. Credit and Debit card payments can be paid in full (or in installments) through the Canyon Webstore on our [Canyon Website] under the "For Families" tab.  If you prefer to make a cash or check contribution (payable to Canyon Middle School) you may do so through our Main Office, open on school days from 7:30 - 4:00 pm.

This pays for food, lodging, transportation, and medical insurance.  It also pays for the professional naturalists from the Exploring New Horizons program.

Any additional donations will go towards ensuring that all students will be eligible to attend.

If you work for a company, or know of organizations that might be willing to sponsor portions of this program, please contact Principal April Wong (

If your student needs a scholarship, please contact the Principal, April Wong ( or Counselor Itzel Lopez (  Thank you!