
Check Aeries everyday. That way I know you are still sheltering in place.

Check the Tab that is appropriate for you.

August 8, 2019 (Update) Supplies for 2019-2020 School year (Update)

2 - 70 page note books (one for English and one for Social Studies).

1 - 2 inch binder

1 pkg of highlighters (Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple and Pink thick tip hold up better)

1 pkg of 8 count crayons (thin or thick will do for coloring maps)

1 large or small glue sticks (if in a pkg of 3; leave 2 at home)

2-3 sharp #2 pencils each day (if you have to have mechanical pencils 0.7 and make sure you have lead).

Hello Families,

This week we are starting Flex Time, which is an opportunity for students to get extra help in making up work or re-learning skills that they are struggling with. It is also an opportunity for students to choose enrichment classes that are of interest to them.

Students will rotate their Flex Time class each week, and attend the same class for Tuesday and Thursday. Some classes will go for 2-3 weeks depending on what is being offered.

Students will be responsible for signing up for their classes the week before using the "Plus Time" website; the registration window will be open from Monday-Thursday the week prior to each Flex Time week. The website to sign up is http://canyon.pltime.net. Please encourage your students to log on using their school Google account and double check that they are signed up for a class this week (and the sign up window is now open for next week as well). If students have missing work or need help in a specific area, they may have already been assigned a class by one of their teachers.

We are still starting out in this process, so there may be some confusion and some hiccups. Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we work through implementing this new program to help all of our students SOAR.

Finally, please ensure that your student writes down which class, teacher, and room number they are supposed to go to after third period on Tuesday.

Thank you,

Dear Parents and Guardians of C-1 Students-

Thank you for the opportunity to educate your children.

If you would like to contact me I can be reached at rhunter@cv.k12.ca.us, which I will answer as soon as possible or through the main office at

510-538-8833 x6128.

-Ms. Hunter