CVHS - Social Studies
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
-Nelson Mandela
1st Period: EL Comparative Cultures & Geography
2nd Period: Prep
3rd Period: Modern World History
4th Period: Modern World History
5th Period: Modern World History
6th Period: Comparative Cultures & Geography
Information on Google Classroom
Notes, assignments, etc are posted on Google Classroom
Students: find the class code on Aeries or ask me
Parents: your student can invite you to join from their page. You may also email me and ask to be added. I do require that you provide me your student's full name and school ID number.
Information on Online Grades
The online Aeries gradebook is used throughout the school year to determine grades. Student grades will be updated bi-weekly. I make every effort to grade assignments quickly and post grade updates, but there is always a gaps between when assignments are received, scored, and posted.