Accelerated Math 7



Weekly Playlist

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year and Canyon Middle School Physical Education. As you know, due to Covid-19 we will be conducting virtual classroom learning sessions. This method of teaching is still very new to me as well as to students. I am sure that we will all get better at it as the school year progresses. The Math Dept. will be using Google classroom, Google Sites and Google Meets to keep students and parents informed about the class.

Synchronous class sessions may include but not limited to, a warm-up question, homework review a new lesson, homework assignments, tests and quizzes. Homework assignments are to be turned infor credit through google classroom.

Asynchronous class sessions may include but not limited to a warm-up question, math videos , worksheets and a homework assignment. Homework assignments are to be turned infor credit through google classroom.

Students will be expected to log in and be present everyday. Credit will be given for being present each day.

Weekly Playlists- agendas, videos, assignments, and weekly physical Education logs for each week

Google Classroom - where you complete and submit your work; this page shows you how to log in

Synchronous Classwork - work you do during our scheduled time together in Google Meets

Asynchronous Homework - work you do independently during times when our class isn't meeting

Contact Me

On campus: I am in the Boys' Locker Room or Room F-7..

Email:, I respond to email within 24/48 hours when school is in session.

Students: I hold office hours from 2:00pm-3:00pm by appointment only. This is where you can get your questions answered and any information regarding Accelerated 7 Math class. If that time doesn't work for you, email me and we can set up another meeting time.


  • I earned a B.A. degree and a teaching credential in Physical Education from San Francisco State University ( Home of the Gators). I also have a credential in Mathematics.

  • I have been teaching for 33 years and this will be my 30th year teaching at Canyon Middle School

  • I have always enjoyed participating athletics as well as coaching many different sports.

  • I am married and have two sons, Anthony (23 years old) and gabriel (19 years old)

  • I also enjoy fishing, camping, hiking, playing golf and reading.