Our Values and Mission

These values enable us to achieve our mission: to create an environment where our people thrive.

Cusmiz operates on a set of four core values: Integrity, Excellence, Accountability, and Grace. These values inform everything that we do - from the people we hire, to how we service our clients, to every interaction we have. 

Our Philosophy

Employees need to have the tools, structure and support to be successful. If we can retain people longer by rewarding them financially and emotionally so that they are invested in and excited by their work, our overall performance for our clients continually reaches new heights.

We employ a formula for execution that includes recruiting, training, analytics and culture to create a virtuous circle that ensures the best possible client results and financial performance. 

Our strategy involves paying people a 15-20% premium, leveraging daily scorecards to measure individual results, rewarding and recognizing exceptional performance, listening to and implementing team feedback, and empowering employees to make their own decisions. 

MEET OUR Shareholders

Introducing our dedicated group of company shareholders, the visionary leaders shaping our future.