
Vocab Packets are given the first day of the week and they are due on the last day of the week. This is typically Monday and Friday. The quiz is typically given on the last day of the week.

Scholastic News

The code to log into Scholastic News for our class is SN19CLIP.

Anne of Green Gables

We will be reading Anne of Green Gables, by L.M. Montgomery. We will start reading the book in the second trimester, when we return from Thanksgiving Break. The introductory assignment will be given Monday, November 26th and will be due Friday, November 30th.

Here is a pdf of the entire book.

The entire book can be found at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/45/45-h/45-h.htm as well.

Kindle versions can be found here: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45?msg=welcome_stranger

You can read it in any form you choose. Homework will be assigned by chapter, not by page, so you will always be able to tell how much you have to read.