D50 Guiding Documents

Harvard CUSD 50 Portrait of a Graduate 

and Instructional Framework 

The district instructional framework was created in 2018 to support the collective beliefs that drive teaching in CUSD50 forward. The summer of 2023 saw the creation of the Portrait of a Graduate as well as an update to the instructional framwork to align to the Portrait of a Graduate. The CUSD50 Instrution Framwork along with the Portrait of a Graduate lay the foundation of what teaching and learning looks like in Harvard. The beliefs along with Hatties Visible Learning meta-anylasis research to support the components and the allignment of the Danielson framework as it applies to teacher evaluation, drive what we do everyday.  

Copy of Instructional Framework in your Classroom

The Instructional Framework in your Classroom

This document will give you some ideas of how you can  implement the Instructional Framework in your classroom in ways your may not have considered.

Instructional Framework

Instructional Framework Slide Presentation with Links

This slide presentation will give you links to activities and programs that you can use as resources as you build your the Instructional Framework into your practice.

Check It Out

 Quick as a Bee PD 

 The D50 Instructional Framework