Rules / Handouts

Practice rules are as follows:

1. Please make sure players arrive approximately 10 minutes before the scheduled practice time. This will allow us to begin practice on time.

2. Parents or guardians are allowed to attend our practices, but please do not communicate with your child during the practice. It's confusing for players when they are receiving instruction from the stands and the coach.

3. If a player needs to leave early for a doctors appointment please message me before hand or send a note with your child.

5. One unexcused absence from practice will result in extra conditioning at the following practice. The second offense will result in missing 1 game, and third offense could result in removal from the team.

Game rules are as follows:

1. Unexcused absences will not be permitted during the season. I understand some uncontrollable situations can come up. In these instances, please give me as much notice as possible.

2. All players must ride the school bus to every away game. If parents choose, they may drive their child home from the game. A waiver will need to be signed at the end of each away game if you choose to drive your child home from the game.

3. Please no coaching from the stands. (Cheering, clapping, and yelling positively for all our players is always encouraged.)

4. Please do not enter the dugout during or after a game until all players are gone. Players cannot leave until our dugout is completely empty of trash and equipment.

5. If you need to give your son water or a sports drink you may do so, but please try not to attract attention away from the game.

6. Allow me to coach your son during the game. If you have any concerns please message me after the game. We can setup a time to meet and discuss if needed. I have a 24 hour rule. I won't discuss any issues, concerns, or problems directly after a game. I believe this allows cooler heads to prevail and gives all parties an opportunity have a more productive conversation.