
Developed through a partnership with Culcheth High School and Newchurch Primary School, The Eagle and Robin Transition Project is a collection of subject specific transition projects designed to bridge the gap between primary and secondary school by introducing Year 6 students to key knowledge and skills from a range of secondary ‘Ebacc’ subjects: English, maths, science, geography and history.

Developed by Culcheth High School teachers, the CHS Modern Foreign Languages Foundation Project consists of two separate projects: the CHS French Foundation Project and the CHS Spanish Foundation Project. The projects aim to introduce Year 6 students to core aspects of language study, with a focus on key vocabulary, through a series of lessons that will give students a distinct advantage when starting to study languages in Year 7 as well as offering an opportunity for enrichment and enjoyment.

All Projects are fully resourced (lesson plans, presentations and resources) and ready to be used. Anyone is welcome to access them.