About Community College

Maybe you are still thinking about where to go after graduation. Maybe you want to explore different fields. Maybe you just need a bit more time to get ready before heading for a big 4-year college.

In California, there are 1.8 millian students attending 116 community colleges, which provide ample opportunities for academic advancement and personal growth.

What are some specific benefits of attending a community college?

Among all these benefits, one big motivation of going to community college is to transfer to a 4-year college. Many in-state 4-year colleges have tranfer agreement with local commuinity colleges. Every year, thousands of students will transfer to UC or CSU from 2-year colleges. UCLA, for example, admitted 5961 transfer students and 12844 freshman applicants in the last season, and the transfer acceptance rate is around 20% compared to 9% for freshman (read more here). Besides our beloved UC and CSU, private institutes like USC also leave a counsiderable number of seats to transfer students.

In addition to being a postsecondary option, there are many hidden benefits for current high school students. It allows students to take more advancement classees and learn subjects that are not available in their high schools--a great way to dive deeper into a subject or explore interests at a low cost. With the college credits you earn, given that they are 4-year transferable, you may take fewer undergraduate classes, save some money, and graduate in a shorter time. Or, you will have more time to learn something you are truly passionate about, such as your major-relevant courses, find an internship, or take on a part-time job during college. 

So, why not?

Learn more about the community colleges in South Bay:

West Valley

De Anza




Evergreen Valley