Catholic University IN Erbil
Rebaz jamal maaroof
Academic Title:Assistant Lecturer
General Specialization: Computer Science
Specific Specialization: Web Development
Contact Details:
Born in Erbil, and studied B. Sc. in Computer Science –Salahaddin University-Erbil. Earned M. Sc. with honors in Computer Science- University of Bridgeport- United States of America. Have work experience for nearly 8 years in Salahaddin University-Erbil, and 2 years in Cihan University- Erbil, and 2 years. In November 2020, started working at CUE as an assistant lecturer (from 1st-Oct-2020). His major is Computer Science and his specialization is in Web Development. M.Sc. thesis was about Web Development. Interesting areas include OOP, Visual Programming, Database, and Web Design & Development. He has more than 8 years of experience as senior staff working for companies and NGOs.