Catholic University of Erbil

Ikbal Naeem Gorgis

Academic Title: Assistance Professor

General Specialization: Building and Construction Engineering

Specific Specialization: Structural Engineer

Contact Details:

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- On 1981-1989 Start working at the Scientific Research Council/ Building Research Center (do many research and work as site engineer as well as participate in the design some structures).

- Complete M. SC. Degree at the University of Technology /Building and Construction Engineering Dept. in (building and concrete design) for two years from 1984-1987.

-By the end of year 1989, the council was canceled and my services were transferred to Al-Mustansiriya University/ Civil Engineering Department, and start working as assistant lecturer ( teaching and doing research) till the end of 1994.

-On 1995 changed to University of Technology/ Building and Construction Dept. and promoted to lecturer ( teaching and work with Scientific & Engineering Consulting Bureau)

- From 2002-2006 study Ph.D. ( with structural engineer branch) as part time in Technology/ Building and Construction Dept.

-2009-2018 worked as assistant professor and continued teaching for both undergraduate and graduate students, supervise graduate students for masters and doctoral degrees beside discussing many students.

- on 1/9/2018, retired