Arkansas Conservation Education through Photography:

A Virtual Tool for Advocacy and Education

My name is Charlie Pierce and I grew up in Mountain Home, Arkansas. A love for the outdoors was instilled in me from a very young age and continued to follow me throughout my life. On my adventures and travels I started taking pictures, which then inspired me to create this website. My hope is that this can be a tool to educate the general public on a broad range of information through my photography. Hopefully, people will gain an awareness and appreciation for conservation in our state and the efforts being made for it.

Personal Impact

This project led me to gain a new understanding and appreciation for the world around me. While I have always loved the outdoors, this project made me pay closer attention to things. I began to identify the things that needed more help and attention and soon learned just how connected everything is. Walking away from this project, I not only feel that I have a better connection and understanding of nature and its needs, but I also feel that I was able to gain a better understanding and connection to myself as well. 

Created by Charlie Pierce

Mentor Ben Cash 

Fall 2023