
About me

My career goal is to learn from nature to make our resources consumption efficient. Seeking solutions to problems related to energy, environment and natural resources through research and education. Nature has piled up an enormous pool of knowledge for us to learn from and to utilize. We should keep on learning from that archive of information and make use what we learn.

The major issues facing earth are all related to inefficient and unsustainable consumption of resources that nature bestows upon us. We need to learn from the vast repository of nature how not to be wasteful and how to be efficient in using resource cyclically. I want to devote my efforts to solving resource efficiency issues to contribute towards addressing environmental problems like deforestation., environmental pollution, climate change etc.

Solutions to many of the mankind's problems lie in biological entities and systems. If we learn to appreciate the value of our ecosystems, we can become sustainable in our exploitation of nature which is the core premise of industrial ecology. Solutions to all problems are in the nature - we need to remain focused to discover and to use them. Data science will be our power tool in doing just that.

I have been in education and research since the beginning of my career. Beside regular works, I am also engaged in consulting services on issues related to Environment and Ecosystem. I am keen in research collaboration with peers outside Bangladesh.


Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain, PhD

Professor, Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences (IFES),

University of Chittagong,

Chattogram 4331, Bangladesh

Office: +88-031-2606144,

Cell: +88-0172-9094397


Skype: call.mosharraf

Linkedin: ProfMosharraf