Platt tech high school milford ct

Platt Tech is participating in

Connecticut Reads, The 2022 Governor's Summer Reading Challenge!

Help our school get recognized by reading as much as you can this summer and logging your reading.

Everyone who reads this summer will be recognized at a thematic celebration at our school in the fall.

Log your books:

(a)Log your books online in our Google Form


(b)go to your local Public Library to pick up a book log

or print out a book log at home to hand in at start of year.

Suggested titles:

(a) You can find many of the Suggested Titles at your local public library


(b) in Sora (current students only)

(our 'school' in the platform is Connecticut Technical Education and Career System).

The Governor's Summer Reading Challenge recognizes the top schools in the state every year for the number of books read by their students.

Letter to Parents and Students in English.

Letter to Parents and Students in Spanish.