our purpose

Our goal is to promote innovative and impactful learning experiences for our students.

The objectives informed by our goal are:

  • To zoom in on our teaching and the classes we have been traditionally facilitating with new and critical eyes.
  • To find out more about the kind of classroom experiences and interactions that might be more impactful and engaging from our students' perspectives.
  • To think of new physical and spatial classroom arrangements that might be conducive to the new and better lesson/learning experience that we want to facilitate.
  • To assess existing learning tools and approaches that might bring some freshness to our traditional teaching methodology and approach.
  • To prototype and test new learning experiences with our students.
  • To share our findings with the project team, as well as keep track of and measure our progress.
  • To fail fast and bring ideas back to the drawing board so that the team can learn from it and move forward together.

Project Scope

This project aims at impacting the learning experiences that we teachers facilitate within our physical classrooms during our semester. Although plenty of opportunities for reassessing our curriculum and evaluation system will likely come up during the project, we will prioritize the quality of the learning experiences and interactions facilitated in our classrooms.

Insights into our curriculum and assessment system can be explored at further stages of this project, or may even become new innovation projects altogether.

Within the project scope is also the multiplication of newly co-constructed knowledge and practices by project team members to our teaching staff via informal conversations, structured training sessions, blog posts, videos, etc.

Matriz DEP