Our Mission
Our Vision
Provide activities that focus on student voice, community involvement, and quality staff.
Provide a high quality program that positively impacts students, parents, and the community.
Program GOALS
Create a safe and supportive online environment for all students.
Build strong connections with staff, teachers, administration, and parents.
Train staff to encourage students to actively participate and use their voice.
Create a program that is welcoming to a diverse community and student population.
Actively follow the our core values of passion, teamwork, Leadership, service, respect, trust, and performance.
Program STUDENT Goals
Rebuild a positive connection with after school.
Feel safe and supported by our online resources.
While participating in online activities, be kind and respectful to fellow peers.
Actively engage in online club activities and voice opinions.
Demonstrate and follow character counts traits.
Program COMMUNITY Goals
Create new activities that bring the community together while still practicing physical distancing.
Plan activities that invite the community, and activities that get students involved with the community.