Equity. Diversity. Inclusion. Access.


We are pleased to be serving as MCVSD’s first Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion coaching team for the 2021/2022 school year. Together with you, we will pursue MCVSD’s District Goal entitled “Diversity and Equity Vision” which tasks every member of our learning community to:

  • “Develop a diverse and inclusive curriculum that reflects the wide range of voices, perspectives, and experiences of the students and families in our community and the world.”

  • “Provide regular professional development to assist educators and staff as they increase their understanding of inclusiveness and cultural proficiency.”

  • “Ensure policies and procedures are consistent with our goals of diversity, equity and access and that they do not act as barriers to success.”

We will work in tandem with the curriculum coaches and via building and district level Diversity PLCs to open lines of communication and support all of you on the individual, departmental/program, and campus levels.

To that end, please feel free to contact our team at: DEAICoaches@ctemc.org with any thoughts, questions, or ideas you have about increasing efforts toward diversity, equity, inclusion, and access for this summer and upcoming school year. We’d love to hear from you!


Victoria Law-Wright

Clare Ng

Christine Rockwell-Wardlow