High School Counseling

Welcome to Conemaugh Township High School Counseling Department!

The purpose of this site is to provide you with up-to-date information pertaining to academic requirements, important upcoming events, information links, and other resources for students in grades 9-12.

Your guidance counselor is committed to working with students to maximize their strengths and reach their potential. The role of a school counselor serves to enhance students’ academic, career, and social-emotional development. Please do not hesitate to contact the Guidance Office if you are in need of assistance.

Kara Duplin, MEd, NCC

Guidance Office: (814) 479-7886

Email: kara.duplin@ctasd.org

Google Classroom Links

Remind Codes

Class of '23 @hahe7h

Class of '24 @29h88d

Class of '25 @29bkb8e

Class of '26 @hfbaaf