My Research Paper : Nuclear Power

In this paper, I wanted to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power. My group researched the history of nuclear power. We created a questionnaire to ask people about their knowledge of nuclear power use.

The results of our questionnaire was interesting because we found most people support nuclear power.

Sample Research Paper/ Writing Sample: Nuclear Power

My Personality Type

According to my personality test, I am an INFP.

Personality: (TRUE)

The website says that INFP people are terrible at finishing every job. It says they like to start new things but after a short time they get bored or they start a new thing and forget about the old one. This is very true! When I was a kid, I used to read every novel until halfway and then stat reading another. It made my mother crazy.

Personality: (NOT TRUE)

The website says that INFP people are always late and don't care about time. That is not true for me. I am almost never late and I watch time very carefully, but that is because I hate to make other people wait. When other people make me wait, I don't care at all and usually am happy to have some quiet alone time.

Job: (TRUE)

The website says INFP people often become teachers, and I am! Although INFP usually listen more than they talk, I have to talk a lot for my job. But I prefer listening to my students. I like reading their articles, listening to their ideas and hearing the things they care about. I like being a teacher because I can do new things all the time.


The website says many INFP people do creative jobs like writing or graphic design. I love writing, but I am not artistic at all! I can't draw anything. I could never design anything and make it look good. I can't even make a poster look nice. I think graphic design is really interesting, but I just don't have any talent for it.

My Comic

A News Article

This article discusses the serious translation issues that Japan is having preparing for the 2020 Olympics. Japan has a lack of qualified and experienced translators and the result is a signs that are often funny or misunderstood by foreign visitors. Japan is now asking for Japanese with foreign experience to volunteer to assist in fixing strange translations.

I am interested in English, and I think this article shows how importance international and cultural understanding is when working in an international community. Although many people now rely on electronic translators, they will never be as proficient as trained and experienced translators.

English Interview/Skit


My Research Report:

A short explanation;- 2 sentences

A2lvl: Writing an introduction - Alan Chou

What is the article about (4-5 Sentences)

What do you think about the article (3-5 Sentences)

My Personality Type

According to my personality test, I am an ESTJ.

Personality: (TRUE)

The website says that ESTJ people are a little 'bossy.' I think that is true. I often tell people what I think they should do, and if I see them not doing the things they should do, I will remind them again and again. I think it is important to take care of yourself and to be responsible. I don't understand why some people don't take these things seriously.

Personality: (Partly TRUE)

The website says that ESTJ people are good at handling money. I think I'm not bad at this but when it comes to some kinds of money issues I will ask others for help, such as how to buy big things like cars or homes. I prefer to ask others advice than to manage things by myself about large money issues. Maybe in the future, I will know how to handle these issues by myself.

Job: (TRUE)

The website says ESTJ people often become managers at companys. I like this idea because I like to guide people and help them to do their best. I try to be tough but fair to everyone. I think I cna make my team do their best and I can help everyone stay on schedule by being organized.


The website says many ESTJ people

Sample Research Paper/ Writing Sample: Nuclear Power

My Research Paper : Nuclear Power

In this paper, I wanted to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power. My group researched the history of nuclear power. We created a questionnaire to ask people about their knowledge of nuclear power use.

The results of our questionnaire was interesting because we found most people support nuclear power.

My Presentation : Nuclear Power

In this paper, I wanted to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear power.

Nuclear Power

Peer Pressure

Color Coded Fake Script

My Future Hope:

I think in the future, people will live much longer, healthier lives. Scientists will find ways to keep our bodies younger and working better. I think people will live to be 100 often, and maybe some people will even live to see 150 years old one day!

My Future Predictions

My Future Fear:

I am very worried that many animals we have on Earth today will disappear. Global warming is getting worse and worse and people are not doing enough to stop it. Also, plastic garbage in the ocean and other pollution in the air is killing many kinds of wildlife. We should be concerned that many endangered animals will be gone in the next 50 years.

Wine and Drinks

I’m going to have a wine and cheese party for my friends. About 10 friends will come over, so I will prepare 4 or 5 bottles of wine. I will buy different kinds, like red wine, white wine, and sparkling wine so everyone can try different tastes. I will also buy some beer for people who don’t like wine. I should buy some soda, tea, and bottles of water for the people who are driving.

My Wine & Cheese Party

Food and Snacks

To eat, we will have lots of snacks. I will go to Costco to buy a big plate of sushi. Also, I will get at least 10 different kinds of cheeses and lots of crackers to put the cheese on. I will also buy a special spicy cheese with peppers. It is really special. I won’t buy any fried food, because I think it is unhealthy. Also, we will buy 3 different kinds of cakes and cut them into very small pieces. This way people can try the different choices; chocolate cake, cheese cake, and a fruit cake.


My partner and I discuss a common superstition: The number 13

Untitled presentation
Untitled presentation

A Favorite Saying:

This quotation by President Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorites.

I like the saying because it means that sometimes talking can get us into trouble.

A Favorite Saying:

This quotation by President Abraham Lincoln is one of my favorites.

I like the saying because it means that sometimes talking can get us into trouble.

My Embarrassing Story:

This is a silly story that happened to me last year!

Aaron's Embarrassing story

Cartoon: Bao

This video is talking about a man and a woman.

They met at a train station.

The wind comes and the man's paper is flying to the woman's face.

When the man takes down the paper on her face, the paper has the woman's lip print.

They laugh, and he saw the woman on the train.

He smiles to her, and she smiles to him.

My Movie Review: Back to the Future

This movie starts in 1985.

A senior hing school student-Marty meets Doc Brown.

Doc Brown desires a time-machine.

First,Doc Brown let a dog gets in this machine to try.

After, Doc Brown was fighted by evil people.

Marty wants to help Doc Brown gets in the time machine and go back to1955 and changes all the thing in1985.

When Marty go back to 1985 all the thing are change.

In the end Marty go to the future.


The news is talking about claw machine games. Because Taiwanese love them, so the government needs to make more and more 10NT coins and banks don't run out.

I think more claw machine games in Taiwan is a good thing and a bad thing. Some people think it is good, others think there are too many. I think it is bad thing for young people who want to carry on claw machine games. Because it is dangerous for them. The boss always wins and young people may have risk.

My Project

This is my project. It is about Lucy's mental problems.

aaron's garbage.webm
aaron's garbage.webm

My Project

This is my project. It is about Lucy's mental problems.

My Favorite Saying

I like the saying, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence''. It means we always feel the other person is luckier than us. I have a best friend, and he always tells me his family takes him to travel a lot . I feel his family is better than mine, because he has more freedom but he feels my family is more friendly than his family, because my mom and dad are kind. They rarely get mad at me.

My Movie Review

My Movie Review


I watch the video is a bun's story.The story tell us family is very important.

The old mother is very misses her son,so she make buns and have a bun son.

They are happy everyday.But in someday,the bun is became bad.

And old mother is very angry and sad.

When old mother go to bed,her son is came home.

And old father tell her son go to apologize to old mother.

Old mother forgive her son,and they are eat bread together.

My professional Project

My professional project is about....

My group asked questions about...

We found out about....

My professional Project

My professional project is about....

My group asked questions about...

We found out about....

My Website App Review: DUOLINGO

The Problems with Duolingo:

- Some translations on not exact. For example: The right answer is "All right" but it won't accept similar answers like, "sure, no problem, certainly, etc."

-Some translations may work for one group but not another. For example, Duolingo uses simplified, not traditional Chinese.

- Lessons are put in a certain order. This system is good, but restricts you. If you want to learn certain words, you must do all the lessons before it.


The Problems with Duolingo:

- Some translations on not exact. For example: The right answer is "All right" but it won't accept similar answers like, "sure, no problem, certainly, etc."

-Some translations may work for one group but not another. For example, Duolingo uses simplified, not traditional Chinese.

- Lessons are put in a certain order. This system is good, but restricts you. If you want to learn certain words, you must do all the lessons before it.


Hi. I love bananas

My Project: