Upsilon-Tau Chapter

Welcome to the official website of the Upsilon-Tau Chapter of TKE at Stan State.

Since our founding on a dark stormy Tuesday night on January 10th at Wesleyan university in Bloomington Illinois, TKE has been on a mission to aid men in their mental moral and social development. Our Founders wanted an organization that would be different from other fraternities. They wanted to establish a fraternity of men whose primary requirement for membership would be based on “personal worth and character,” not the wealth he possessed, or the connections he had, or the lineage from which he came. That fundamental membership requirement of “personal worth and character” has withstood the test of time, and it’s as relevant today as ever. Friendship through TKE will last a lifetime. Tau Kappa Epsilon is a true brotherhood that will give you the best support system when you need help. We honor the uniqueness of each candidate and member of TKE and belive our differences make us stronger as brothers. TKE will open doors for you in the future. Our network is more than a large number. It is a support system like no other. Your goals are supported, hopes are shared, and dreams are meant to become a reality. TKE is a fraternity of excellence. And as former president and our Frater in the Bond Ronald Reagan said, "the friendships I've had and the memories I've made have lasted a lifetime." Showing how that TKE is indeed the fraternity for life.

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