Janine Boylan's Capstone

Wildlife Center Volunteer Training

Volunteers are essential to the Monterey County SPCA Wildlife Center’s operation. They perform crucial functions that support the care and recovery of injured wildlife, including washing dishes, cleaning laundry, and feeding baby birds. All new volunteers require training and support as they learn how to do the tasks.

This capstone project offers four training modules for new volunteers. It starts with an initial training, which details necessary precautions volunteers will need to take at the center and provides an overview of their work. This is followed with three task-specific modules. Each module includes practice quizzes to ensure comprehension. The initial training has a formal, computer-scorable assessment, and the project concludes with a self-assessment for new volunteers to evaluate how they have used what they learned.

A little about me

I have been involved in educational publishing for about 25 years. I have also had the opportunity to volunteer with the SPCA Wildlife Center in Monterey for over 8 years.

I love learning about our world and all that is in it!

image of Janine Boylan