Computer Support
Technician Initalization

Executive Summary

The Los Banos Unified School District's technology structure consists of level-two support over the district at the Information Systems Department and one computer support technician acting as level-one support positioned at each school site. As the district grows in size and evolves in technological complexity, adequate dissemination of procedures is imperative. There is no official onboarding initialization program for new computer support technicians. Currently, technicians are trained informally by contacting other technicians and learning as they go. This format is not efficient, and long-term problems develop in the structure of the organization.

An asynchronous instructional training program was created to improve performance and reduce errors in various IT systems. This program consisted of small modules, each pertaining to critical systems in the organization. The goal of the project was to improve the efficiency of the computer support technicians. The eLearning modules allowed level-one technical staff to quickly align their practices with policy and procedures designed to help students and staff meet their technology needs.

The ADDIE model was used as a foundation for developing the training. The learners followed a structured path through each learning module using Google Classroom, and the content was designed utilizing tools and skills developed through the MIST program. The training included opportunities to check for understanding, a pre and post-assessment, and the content was peer-reviewed by seasoned technicians before delivery. Additionally, the Kirkpatrick Model was applied to evaluate the summative assessment, appraising multiple model levels from learner satisfaction to measuring the impact of the training.

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